
A technical manual for querying optimized InfiniteOpt models. See the respective guide for more information.



Extend JuMP.termination_status for InfiniteModels in accordance with that reported by its optimizer model. Errors if such a query is not supported or if the optimizer model hasn't be solved.


Extend JuMP.raw_status for InfiniteModels in accordance with that reported by its optimizer model. Errors if such a query is not supported or if the optimizer model hasn't be solved.

JuMP.primal_status(model::InfiniteModel; [result::Int = 1])

Extend JuMP.primal_status for InfiniteModels in accordance with that reported by its optimizer model and the result index result of the most recent solution obtained. Errors if such a query is not supported or if the optimizer model hasn't be solved.

JuMP.dual_status(model::InfiniteModel; [result::Int = 1])

Extend JuMP.dual_status for InfiniteModels in accordance with that reported by its optimizer model and the result index result of the most recent solution obtained. Errors if such a query is not supported or if the optimizer model hasn't be solved.




Extend JuMP.solve_time for InfiniteModels in accordance with that reported by its optimizer model. Errors if such a query is not supported or if the optimizer model hasn't be solved.


Extend JuMP.simplex_iterations for InfiniteModels in accordance with that reported by its optimizer model. Errors if such a query is not supported or if the optimizer model hasn't be solved.


Extend JuMP.barrier_iterations for InfiniteModels in accordance with that reported by its optimizer model. Errors if such a query is not supported or if the optimizer model hasn't be solved.


Extend JuMP.node_count for InfiniteModels in accordance with that reported by its optimizer model. Errors if such a query is not supported or if the optimizer model hasn't be solved.


Extend result_count to return the number of results available to query after a call to optimize!.


julia> result_count(model)



Extend JuMP.objective_bound for InfiniteModels in accordance with that reported by its optimizer model. Errors if such a query is not supported or if the optimizer model hasn't be solved.

JuMP.objective_value(model::InfiniteModel; [result::Int = 1])

Extend JuMP.objective_value for InfiniteModels in accordance with that reported by its optimizer model and the result index result of the most recent solution obtained. Errors if such a query is not supported or if the optimizer model hasn't be solved.

JuMP.dual_objective_value(model::InfiniteModel; [result::Int = 1])

Extend JuMP.dual_objective_value for InfiniteModels in accordance with that reported by its optimizer model and the result index result of the most recent solution obtained. Errors if such a query is not supported or if the optimizer model hasn't be solved.



JuMP.has_values(model::InfiniteModel; [result::Int = 1])

Extend JuMP.has_values for InfiniteModels in accordance with that reported by its optimizer model and the result index result of the most recent solution obtained. Errors if such a query is not supported or if the optimizer model hasn't be solved.

JuMP.value(vref::GeneralVariableRef; [result::Int = 1, 
           label::Type{<:AbstractSupportLabel} = PublicLabel,
           ndarray::Bool = false, kwargs...])

Extend JuMP.value to return the value(s) of vref in accordance with its reformulation variable(s) stored in the optimizer model and the result index result of the most recent solution obtained. Use JuMP.has_values to check if a result exists before asking for values.

The keyword arugments label and ndarray are what TranscriptionOpt employ and kwargs denote extra ones that user extensions may employ.

By default only the values associated with public supports are returned, the full set can be accessed via label = All. Moreover, the values of infinite variables are returned as a list. However, a n-dimensional array can be obtained via ndarray = true which is handy when the variable has multiple infinite parameter dependencies.

To provide context for the results it may be helpful to also query the variable's parameter_refs and supports which will have a one-to-one correspondence with the value(s). It may also be helpful to query via optimizer_model_variable to retrieve the variables(s) that these values are based on. These functions should all be called with the same keyword arugments for consistency.

For extensions, this only works if optimizer_model_variable has been extended correctly and/or map_value has been extended for variables.


julia> value(z)

Extend JuMP.reduced_cost. This returns the reduced cost(s) of a variable. This will be a vector of scalar values for an infinite variable or will be a scalar value for finite variables.


julia> reduced_cost(x)
                     [label::Type{<:AbstractSupportLabel} = PublicLabel,
                     ndarray::Bool = false, kwargs...])

Extend JuMP.optimizer_index to return the MathOptInterface index(es) of vref in accordance with its reformulation variable(s) stored in the optimizer model.

The keyword arugments label and ndarray are what TranscriptionOpt employ and kwargs denote extra ones that user extensions may employ.

By default only the optimizer indices associated with public supports are returned, the full set can be accessed via label = All. Moreover, the indices of infinite variables are returned as a list. However, a n-dimensional array can be obtained via ndarray = true which is handy when the variable has multiple infinite parameter dependencies.

It may also be helpful to query via optimizer_model_variable to retrieve the variables(s) that these indices are based on. These should use the same keyword arguments for consistency.

For extensions, this only works if optimizer_model_variable has been extended correctly and/or map_optimizer_index has been extended for variables.


julia> optimizer_index(x)
4-element Array{MathOptInterface.VariableIndex,1}:
map_value([ref/expr], key::Val{ext_key_name}, result::Int; kwargs...)

Map the value(s) of ref to its counterpart in the optimizer model type that is distininguished by its extension key key as type Val{ext_key_name}. Here ref need refer to methods for both variable references and constraint references. This only needs to be defined for reformulation extensions that cannot readily extend optimizer_model_variable, optimizer_model_expression, and/or optimizer_model_constraint. Such as is the case with reformuations that do not have a direct mapping between variables and/or constraints in the original infinite form. Otherwise, optimizer_model_variable, optimizer_model_expression, and optimizer_model_constraint are used to make these mappings by default where kwargs are passed on these functions. Here result is the result index used in value.

map_reduced_cost(vref::GeneralVariableRef, key::Val{ext_key_name}, 
                  result::Int; kwargs...)

Map the reduced cost(s) of vref to its counterpart in the optimizer model type that is distininguished by its extension key key as type Val{ext_key_name}. This only needs to be defined for reformulation extensions that cannot readily extend optimizer_model_variable. Such as is the case with reformulations that do not have a direct mapping between variables in the original infinite form. Otherwise, optimizer_model_variable, is used to make these mappings by default where kwargs are passed on these functions. Here result is the result index used in value.

map_optimizer_index(ref, key::Val{ext_key_name}; kwargs...)

Map the MathOptInterface index(es) of ref to its counterpart in the optimizer model type that is distininguished by its extension key key as type Val{ext_key_name}. Here ref need refer to methods for both variable references and constraint references. This only needs to be defined for reformulation extensions that cannot readily extend optimizer_model_variable and optimizer_model_constraint. Such as is the case with reformuations that do not have a direct mapping between variables and/or constraints in the original infinite form. Otherwise, optimizer_model_variable and optimizer_model_constraint are used to make these mappings by default where kwargs are passed on as well.



JuMP.has_duals(model::InfiniteModel; [result::Int = 1])

Extend JuMP.has_duals for InfiniteModels in accordance with that reported by its optimizer model and the result index result of the most recent solution obtained. Errors if such a query is not supported or if the optimizer model hasn't be solved.

JuMP.value(cref::InfOptConstraintRef; [result::Int = 1,
           label::Type{<:AbstractSupportLabel} = PublicLabel,
           ndarray::Bool = false, kwargs...])

Extend JuMP.value to return the value(s) of cref in accordance with its reformulation constraint(s) stored in the optimizer model and the result index result of the most recent solution obtained. Use JuMP.has_values to check if a result exists before asking for values.

The keyword arugments label and ndarray are what TranscriptionOpt employ and kwargs denote extra ones that user extensions may employ.

By default only the values associated with public supports are returned, the full set can be accessed via label = All. Moreover, the values of infinite constraints are returned as a list. However, a n-dimensional array can be obtained via ndarray = true which is handy when the constraint has multiple infinite parameter dependencies.

To provide context for the results it may be helpful to also query the constraint's parameter_refs and supports which will have a one-to-one correspondence with the value(s). It may also be helpful to query via optimizer_model_constraint to retrieve the constraint(s) that these values are based on. By default, only the values corresponding to public supports are returned. These functions should all be called with the same keyword arugments for consistency.

For extensions, this only works if optimizer_model_constraint has been extended correctly and/or map_value has been extended for constraints.


julia> value(c1)
4-element Array{Float64,1}:
                     [label::Type{<:AbstractSupportLabel} = PublicLabel,
                     ndarray::Bool = false, kwargs...])

Extend JuMP.optimizer_index to return the MathOptInterface index(es) of cref in accordance with its reformulation constraints(s) stored in the optimizer model.

The keyword arugments label and ndarray are what TranscriptionOpt employ and kwargs denote extra ones that user extensions may employ.

By default only the optimizer indices associated with public supports are returned, the full set can be accessed via label = All. Moreover, the indices of infinite constraints are returned as a list. However, a n-dimensional array can be obtained via ndarray = true which is handy when the constraint has multiple infinite parameter dependencies.

It may also be helpful to query via optimizer_model_constraint to retrieve the constraints(s) that these indices are based on. The same keyword arguments should be used for consistency.

For extensions, this only works if optimizer_model_constraint has been extended correctly and/or map_optimizer_index has been extended for constraints.


julia> optimizer_index(c1)
4-element Array{MathOptInterface.ConstraintIndex{MathOptInterface.ScalarAffineFunction{Float64},MathOptInterface.GreaterThan{Float64}},1}:
JuMP.dual(cref::InfOptConstraintRef; [result::Int = 1, 
          label::Type{<:AbstractSupportLabel} = PublicLabel,
          ndarray::Bool = false, kwargs...])

Extend JuMP.dual to return the dual(s) of cref in accordance with its reformulation constraint(s) stored in the optimizer model and the result index result of the most recent solution obtained. Use JuMP.has_duals to check if a result exists before asking for duals.

The keyword arugments label and ndarray are what TranscriptionOpt employ and kwargs denote extra ones that user extensions may employ.

By default only the duals associated with public supports are returned, the full set can be accessed via label = All. Moreover, the duals of infinite constraints are returned as a list. However, a n-dimensional array can be obtained via ndarray = true which is handy when the constraint has multiple infinite parameter dependencies.

It may also be helpful to query via optimizer_model_constraint to retrieve the constraint(s) that these duals are based on. Calling parameter_refs and supports may also be insightful. Be sure to use the same keyword arguments for consistency.

For extensions, this only works if optimizer_model_constraint has been extended correctly and/or map_dual has been extended for constraints.


julia> dual(c1)
4-element Array{Float64,1}:
                  [label::Type{<:AbstractSupportLabel} = PublicLabel,
                  ndarray::Bool = false, kwargs...])

Extend JuMP.shadow_price to return the shadow price(s) of cref in accordance with its reformulation constraint(s) stored in the optimizer model. Use JuMP.has_duals to check if a result exists before asking for the shadow price (it uses the duals).

The keyword arugments label and ndarray are what TranscriptionOpt employ and kwargs denote extra ones that user extensions may employ.

By default only the shadow prices associated with public supports are returned, the full set can be accessed via label = All. Moreover, the prices of infinite constraints are returned as a list. However, a n-dimensional array can be obtained via ndarray = true which is handy when the constraint has multiple infinite parameter dependencies.

It may also be helpful to query via optimizer_model_constraint to retrieve the constraint(s) that these shadow prices are based on. Calling parameter_refs and supports may also be insightful. Be sure to use the same keyword arguments for consistency.

For extensions, this only works if optimizer_model_constraint has been extended correctly and/or map_dual has been extended for constraints.


julia> shadow_price(c1)
4-element Array{Float64,1}:
map_dual(cref::InfOptConstraintRef, key::Val{ext_key_name}, result::Int; 

Map the dual(s) of cref to its counterpart in the optimizer model type that is distininguished by its extension key key as type Val{ext_key_name}. Here ref need refer to methods for both variable references and constraint references. This only needs to be defined for reformulation extensions that cannot readily extend optimizer_model_variable and optimizer_model_constraint. Such as is the case with reformuations that do not have a direct mapping between variables and/or constraints in the original infinite form. Otherwise, optimizer_model_variable and optimizer_model_constraint are used to make these mappings by default where kwargs are also pass on to. Here result is the result index that is used in dual.



value(v::GenericVariableRef; result = 1)

Return the value of variable v associated with result index result of the most-recent returned by the solver.

Use has_values to check if a result exists before asking for values.

See also: result_count.

value(var_value::Function, ex::GenericAffExpr)

Evaluate ex using var_value(v) as the value for each variable v.

value(var_value::Function, ex::GenericQuadExpr)

Evaluate ex using var_value(v) as the value for each variable v.

LP Sensitivity

                           [atol::Float64 = 1e-8])::InfOptSensitivityReport

Extends JuMP.lp_sensitivity_report to generate and return an LP sensitivity report in accordance with the optimizer model. See InfOptSensitivityReport for syntax details on how to query it. atol denotes the optimality tolerance and should match that used by the solver to compute the basis. Please refer to JuMP's documentation for more technical information on interpretting the output of the report.


julia> report = lp_sensitivity_report(model);

julia> report[x]
(0.0, 0.5)

A wrapper DataType for JuMP.SensitivityReports in InfiniteOpt. These are generated based on the optimizer model and should be made via the use of lp_sensitivity_report. Once made these can be indexed to get the sensitivies with respect to variables and/or constraints. The indexing syntax for these is:

       [label::Type{<:AbstractSupportLabel} = PublicLabel,
       ndarray::Bool = false, kwargs...]]

This is enabled in user-defined optimizer model extensions by appropriately extending optimizer_model_variable and optimizer_model_constraint.


  • opt_report::JuMP.SensitivityReport: The LP sensitivity captured from the optimizer model.